Baxter and James Genealogy

Below is an alphabetical list of surnames in the family tree of Rita Baxter and Steve James. If you believe that one of your ancestors fits into out tree then please feel free to contact us. This and the connected pages are copyright and should not be copied in part or total without permission.

Abbs Aldridge Andrew Andrews Arpagaus Askenback Atkinson Bailey Bales Ballantyne
Bamford Baskerville Baxter Besley Blum Bowen Bridge Brierley Bunting Burrows
Butler Cassidy Chapman Cheadle Cheshire Chetham Clegg Cook Cope Corengia
Cowper Coyle Dainty Daltry De velde Dewhurst Dickson Dobson Dodd Elliott
Evans Fairhurst Farmer Fiddy Field Frazier Gibbs Gillespie Gosby Green
Greenwood Hackett Haddon Hallberg Harley Harper Harris Harrold Hawkins Hayball
Hayworth Heaford Hewkley Hills Hobby Hogg Howe Hughes Hunt Hutchinson
Hutton James Jeffery Jones Kennedy Kershaw King Kirby Larwood Lawrenson
Lees Leho Lewis Liljenberg Lloyd Male Marchant Marsden Marshall Mason
Matthews May Mays Mcgill Meads Millard Mitchell Moore More Morrison
Munden Newton North Nottage Ogden Owen Pallett Parkhurst Parks Parr
Pask Paull Pound Prince Raggett Ray Redman Reid Rigby Roberts
Robson Roof Rose Sams Saunders Sculley Simpson Slater Smith Stannard
Start Stebbings Steer Stephenson Stevens Tandy Taylor Thomas Tickle Tobin
Tomlin Treadwell Trevett Trott Turner Udell Underwood Vale Vowles Wailer
Wallwork Walsh

Legend for the family tree information pages

These pages have been created from a GEDCOM file using Excel VBA. Copyright © 2003-5 Rita and Steve James.